Ana, Ella, Lizzie & Danielle: November 2008

Wednesday 12 November 2008

Feedback for final project

we showed our video to the rest of the class in yesterdays lesson and they gave us feedback on things they liked about our video and things which they may have done differently. overall we were pleased with the comments we recieived.

Good Points:
Good use of colour
Good effects
Fast editing
Good balance between two narratives
Effective last shot
360 degree panning worked well
Representation of snakes was effective
Good use of props ie Jelly snakes - imaginative
Ambiguity of narrative worked well- left for the audience to make their own mind up about what was going on

Things we could have improved:
Not used the same shot more than once- ensure we have enough footage to last the entire sequence
Face paints should be used throughout
Could have used some 'as live' as apposed to all narrative based.

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Final Video!!

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