Ana, Ella, Lizzie & Danielle: Pitch

Wednesday 10 September 2008


We have decided to do a music video for the song Snakes by Autons.
We have chosen this song as we feel it is upbeat and we came up with a lot of ideas for it.

We have decided to do an abstract video, with a non obvious narrative.
we decided that we would take the lyrics of the song and take a literal veiw on them, by including snakes in our video.
We are going to have 2 sets for our filming, we are going to have a narrative of a person goin crazy and seeing things, and running around town and seeing snakes everywhere.

Our other idea is to have mysterious characters in a abandoned house and we had the idea for these characters to be all in black but have colouful faces, and for the faces to be the most focused thing and for our background to be very dark.
we got this idea from the video "Atlantis to Interzone" by Klaxons.

the part of the video where the band are playing is simliar to our idea of the whole place looking dark and mysterious, which is what we are aiming for in out video.

we also like the idea for some of the shots to be quite abstract and we liked the jerky movement in the video "Blue Orchid" by The White Stripes, which has a stop motion feel to it but with people instead of animated objects. We want to learn how to do the jerky movement in our video to makeit have a more creepy, abstract feel.

We are going to iclude the lyrics in our video alot, which some people would argue would make the video boring, but we feel that as the lyrics dont really make sense and are quite abstract themselves.

We also like the idea of instead of having the band playing in the video, we would get other people in our video and they could be playing odd intruments or just banging walls and it would look like the music was coming from them. we got this idea form a music video by The Cure called "Close To Me" where it feachers the band playing combs and very small toy keyboards.

At the end of the video we would like the 2 different sorties of our video to meet so it becomes more of a story.



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