Ana, Ella, Lizzie & Danielle: Indications of Locations

Tuesday 16 September 2008

Indications of Locations

Our location ideas as yet are not defined but we have some ideas as to where we may shoot our music video.
We will probably shoot some of the footage for our video in town. for instance in the market square where the 'girl' will be able to have room to run around and it will be clear that she id going a little 'psycho'. i also thought that maybe she could stand in lion yard near the entrance to the Grand arcade and it could be here that we could show that girl isn't stable by giving the impression of dizziness , by either her holding the camera and spinning around, making her look still and the world around her moving or somebody else filming this shot.
if we were to do the shot in the room, we would need to find somewhere dark. we could possibly use a room in one of or houses but that could cause difficulties as we may not all be able to get to the same place. if need be we could use green screen to film this scene but ideally we do not want to.
Also we like the idea of smashing up mirrors maybe as a reflection is projected into it. this means we would have to not only buy lots of mirrors but find a place where it would be possible to break mirrors, due to small pieces of glass being left on the floor.
These are just possibilities to think about but we are not sure yet where our locations are going to be.



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